Monobase Wind is a design & engineering company based in the Netherlands specializing in naval architecture and offshore substructure design. The company was established in 2014 by several professionals building on decades of experience in the EPCI offshore oil & gas and offshore wind industry. Monobase Wind first introduced an innovative self-installing Gravity Base Foundation to the market. A cost-efficient design suitable for difficult soil conditions, deep water. Assembled completely including turbine at quayside, T&I using tugboats. More recently, since 2020, Monobase Wind also introduced a smart floating foundation called the MSPAR. A hybrid between SPAR designs and semi-submersible designs. The best of both worlds. The operational stability of a SPAR, combined with the shallow draft during assembly and T&I seen in semi-subs.
The MSPAR floating foundation technology seems particularly well-suited for the Irish market. This is primarily due to two characteristics of the design. The first is the excellent motion behavior and stability derived from the SPAR configuration during the operational life of the floating turbines. Given its deep draft of more than 70 meters, and simple and robust design, it performs well in rough seastates – such as the average wave heights and wind speeds seen in the Atlantic at the West Coast of Ireland. The second characteristic is the ability to use both concrete and steel components. Ireland has a strong concrete industry and abundant resources to facilitate serie fabrication. This strongly benefits timely project delivery, optimizes use of local industry, and alleviates pressure on steel supply chains.