We deliver offshore equipment. Custom-built. For offshore operations - subsea burial, cable installation, scour protection and foundation installation. Our commitment is to simply offshore operations by delivering the most practical and reliable equipment available in the market. Efficient offshore operations are the direct outcome of our work.
We have recently completed the design and build of the rock handling system for the world’s first US-flagged Jones Act compliant fallpipe vessel for north America’s leading dredging contractor Great Lakes Dredge & Dock. TME has equipped the US with protective covers for the foundations of the Vineyard, South Fork and Revolution Wind offshore wind farms. US turbine manufacturers such as GE and Nordex have deployed our protective covers for protecting towers and nacelles prior to installation.
TME is a pioneering forerunner in noise mitigation deployment systems compatible with the US developed resonator panels ADBM, utilized for protecting marine wildlife during offshore operations.