Join our economic mission to Finland where we visit the Wind Finland Offshore 2024 seminar and participate in a fieldtrip to the port of Pori and the Tahkoluoto wind farm. The mission presents an excellent opportunity to receive first-hand updates on market opportunities and to meet the key stakeholders during multiple networking meetings.
Finland recently announced the tendering of three offshore wind sites with a total of 3GW and a value of between 6-8 billion euros. The country plans to have the first industrial-size offshore wind power projects in production in 2030. This should support the ambition to become a leading player in the wind and hydrogen economy in the region and will back the country’s capacity for zero-emission electricity production in the 2035. Dutch knowledge and projects can serve as an example. It also offers opportunities for the well-established Dutch supply chain.
Public private partnership
This mission is the first step towards a PIB public private partnership on offshore wind energy for Finland. During the mission we will exchange information about this project and the preparation. We would like to explicitly invite companies for this mission who are interested in participating in this PIB.
The package exclusively for Dutch companies includes:
Participation in the regional Wind Finland 2024 seminar with 300+ attendees;
Finland goes offshore networking reception hosted by Business Finland;
Exclusive networking dinner hosted at the residence of the Netherlands Ambassador in Helsinki;
Evening Event with dinner and entertainment at the Wind Finland 2024 seminar;
Field trip to the Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm and visit to companies in and around the port of Pori;
Optional workshop on circularity of wind power.
Follow the link below or QR-code to read the full program and apply to the mission: Direct link to the application/information form
For questions (no applications) send an email to:
e.vandenburg@linkedbyoffshorewind.eu (Elro van den Burg) or ilona.jaaskelainen@minbuza.nl (Ilona Jaaskelainen, NL Embassy in Helsinki) miina.ojanpera@minbuza.nl (Miina Ojanperä, NL Embassy in Helsinki) or margot.roose@minbuza.nl (Margot Roose, Regional Business Developer)
Participation fee:
Dutch companies from the offshore energy sector can attend with 1 person. Participation is free, this includes seminar participation /additional dinners/company visits and is excluding flight and overnight stays;
Registration is possible until 22 April 2024.