Is your company active in the energy transition and would you like to explore your opportunities to do business or invest in Sweden and/or Finland? Consider joining this economic mission to Sweden and Finland! The first part of the visit is led by Reinette Klever, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development.
During the mission you will have the opportunity to establish and expand your network at a high level. Additionally, you can sign e.g. contracts, a declaration of intent or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the presence of the Minister, which will provide extra visibility to your project or investment.
Opportunities for Dutch companies
During this mission, Dutch companies, knowledge institutions and organizations can:
gain insights into the Swedish and Finnish markets;
investigate market opportunities in Sweden and Finland;
strenghten existing contacts in Sweden and Finland; and
getting in touch with potential Swedish and Finnish business partners, clients and/or governments.
For whom?
This economic mission is open to Dutch companies, knowledge institutions and organizations active in the following areas in energy transition:
battery technology; and
wind energy.
Are you an business woman with international ambitions? The government is committed to more diversity and therefore specifically encourages female entrepreneurs to take the international step through the Growth across Borders campaign.
Companies that are doing business internationally are more productive, more innovative and more successful. By joining this mission you will expand your network and increase your international opportunities.
Why participate?
Market opportunities in Sweden and Finland
Sweden and Finland are two of the world’s most prosperous and innovative countries. Their economy offers a wide range of market opportunities. Both countries have a favorable investment climate and promote international cooperation.
This makes the countries attractive markets for companies that:
want to expand their activities in Europe; and/or
want to enter into innovation collaborations.
Market opportunities for the energy transition
The Nordic region is known for its leading position in renewable energy. The countries in this region have played a pioneering role in sustainable energy production since the early 20th century. Sweden has ambitious goals for sustainability and climate neutrality. This offers opportunities for companies that offer innovative solutions to accelerate the energy transition.
In Finland, nuclear energy and wind energy are the main energy suppliers. The use of wind energy in particular has increased significantly and is still growing.
The program of this 4-day mission includes company visits and networking events with Swedish and Finnish companies and organizations. In general, the program has the following components:
knowledge sharing sessions, such as seminars or workshops;
company and/or location visits;
networking events; and
trade reception/trade dinner.
Preliminary program
Monday November 4
Flight from Amsterdam to Stockholm (travel at own convenience)
Informal welcome to hotel
Network reception
Overnight stay in Stockholm
Tuesday November 5
Official opening/kick-off of the mission
Company visit(s)
Networking event
Trade reception
Overnight stay in Stockholm
Wednesday November 6
Company visit(s)
Informative sessions
Networking event
Flight to Helsinki (or flight to Amsterdam)
Overnight stay in Helsinki
Thursday November 7
Kick-off session
Informative session
Networking event
Trade reception
Overnight stay in Helsinki
Friday November 8
Company visit(s)
Networking lunch
Debriefing session
Flight to Amsterdam
Participation and costs
The participation fee for this mission is €950 per company, with a maximum of 2 people per company. If you want to participate with more people from your company, the additional costs are €475 per additional person.
Included are:
participation in the collective program components;
collective matchmaking;
local support by the organization; and
local transport (linked to the program).
Travel and accommodation costs and personal transfers are at your own expense and risk. After the registration period you will receive suggestions for your trip and accommodation as soon as possible.
Sign up here for this economic mission to Sweden and Finland. The deadline for registration is September 6, 2024.
Participation is limited to Dutch companies and organizations that align with the mission’s focus. Registration and automatic confirmation of receipt therefore does not mean that you are participating in this trade mission. You will receive a final confirmation of your participation after the registration period has closed.
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) organizes this mission in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch embassies in Sweden and Finland, working together with among others Holland Home of Wind Energy, NedZero and LinkedbyOffshoreWind.
More information
For questions about this mission, please contact Hanneke Bogaerts, missions project manager at RVO.
Commissioned by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
More information about business opportunites in Finland
More information about business opportunities in Sweden