If you are interested in the opportunities in the Wind and Solar Energy sector in Kazakhstan, join us for the virtual presentation of the market study on May 12th at 09.30 am (13.30 GMT +6).
RVO commissioned a market study to map the potential and developments of the wind and solar energy sector in Kazakhstan. This report gives a good overview on country’s significant potential in RES, investment climate and the market entry plan.
Nout van Woudenberg, Deputy Head of Mission, Dutch Embassy: Welcome speech;
Aigul Sospanova, CEO Smart Volt: Presentation market study;
Auke Boere, RVO: Presentation RVO tools;
Q&A session.
For whom
Dutch private sector and organizations that are interested in working in the renewable energy sector in Kazakhstan.
Please register by sending an email to: ast-ea@minbuza.nl. We will send you confirmation with the link to the virtual event after your registration.
Should you have any questions please contact Team Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Astana at: ast-ea@minbuza.nl.