CAPE Holland
CAPE Holland is the world leading provider of offshore Vibro piling solutions.
Its unique Vibro Lifting Tool (VLT) is a vibratory hammer and certified lifting tool hybrid, which is able to upend a pile, lift it to the seabed and start installing straight away. All this without any tool changes, guide frames or noise mitigation. This innovative cost saving equipment can greatly reduce installation times for pile installation on- and Offshore.

Design & Engineering
Installation & Contracting
Manufacturing & Supply
Service Provider
Assembly, transport & Installation
Decommissioning & Recommissioning
Equipment, Tooling & Consumables
Feasibility & Design
Construction & Installation
End-of-life & Decommissioning
Installation & Commissioning
Architectural / Building Materials
Decommissioning & Abandonment

About this company
CAPE Holland is the world leading provider of offshore Vibro piling solutions.