PIB Offshore Wind Ireland information session

On February 2nd, 2023, Holland Home of Wind Energy (HHWE) organized an information session about the new PIB Offshore Wind Ireland. This PIB (Partners for International Business) project will focus on the development of offshore wind (both bottom fixed and floating), hydrogen and port development in Ireland.
Presentations were given by Yaron Oppenheimer from the Netherlands embassy in Dublin, Piet Warnaar from TNO and Peter Bouwhuis from Xellz. In addition, there was a presentation about the development of the PIB in which offshore wind under supervision of HHWE. There were 18 participants in the meeting which was organized at TWD in Rotterdam.
For more information, please contact Arjen Schutten (managing director HHWE) arjen@hhwe.eu or Kees Mokveld (RVO) kees.mokveld@rvo.nl